Malicious Intent Protection
- Check if you have an account that has been compormised in a data breach
- Check if your password has been compromised in a data breach
- Common Phishing and SMishing Scams
- Documentation for Phishing Emails - In the case that you have fallen victim to a Phishing email and have entered your credentials, please press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and click on change a password to change your password. This needs to be done as soon as you are notified by any of your colleagues that they are receiving suspicious emails from you as to help avoid your email being flagged for spam.
- Phishing Prevention Tips - This will be updated with tips and what you need to look out for in the ongoing threat of cyber security.
- Preventing Phishing - A few tips on preventing phishing emails from affecting you
- Phishing Sites That We Have Encountered
- SMishing Scams - These are like phishing emails, but to do with text messages and smartphones.
- Suspicious/Malicious Website Checker - This website will try to make a verdict whether the scanned website is considered malicious or suspicious.
Protecting Your Identity
A hero doesn’t necessarily have to wear a cape and tights, maybe a hero speaks up for what’s right. Maybe that hero could be you. If you see or hear something that doesn’t seem right, you can submit a confidential tip to OK2SAY. OK2SAY allows anyone to confidentially report tips on criminal activities or potential harm directed at Michigan students, school employees, or schools. Protect yourself and others by using OK2SAY. Because if you won’t, who will?