2025-2026 Enrollment Information

Important Dates
The applications for SRESD CTE, Dual Enrollment, and Early College programs open following our 10th Grade Career Expos and close on February 28th.
Application FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Q:. When does a student apply to their desired program?
A: Students can apply to CTE programs during their 10th and/or 11th grade year to participate the following year. Applications open in November and close February 28th.
Q: How do I get more information about SRESD programs?
A: Information Sessions will be held at the College and Career Readiness Center on January 23 and February 11, 6:00pm.
Q: What does a student do after applying to a CTE program?
A: Student's will receive additional information regarding next steps after applying.
Q: What does a student do after applying to Dual Enrollment?
A: The SRESD will review all applicants and receive supporting documentation including transcripts from the local high schools. Upon local district approval, the student will be notified of next steps including placement testing and applying to the college.
Q: What does a student do after applying to Early College?
A: The SRESD will review all applicants and receive supporting documentation including transcripts from the local high schools. Upon local district approval, the student will be notified of next steps including placement testing and applying to the college. All Early College applicants will be required to interview with the Shiawassee RESD Early College Team.
Q: What are the Early College Interviews?
A: Early College interviews will be scheduled in February and March. Applicants are required to interview and parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to attend.
Q: Does one application allow my student into multiple SRESD programs?
A: No. Students must complete an application for each program they would like to participate in. For example, a student who wants to participate in Dual Enrollment and CTE must fill out both SRESD applications.
Q: Does a student's Dual Enrollment or Early College application also apply them to their desired college?
A: No. A student must fill out their SRESD Dual Enrollment or Early College application and apply to their desired college.
Q: What is a parent/guardian's role in the application process?
A: Parents/Guardians must sign a signature packet for Dual Enrollment, Early College, and CTE. Parents/Guardians are strongly encouraged to attend an Early College interview session if their student is an Early College applicant. We ask that parents/guardians be supportive and also help to understand the commitment your student is making to participate in an SRESD program.
Q: What orientations does a student need to attend?
A: All students are required to attend an orientation for each program they are participating in through the SRESD. Students participating in dual enrollment or early college must also attend an orientation through the college they are attending.
Q: What do returning students need to do?
A: Returning students need to reapply each year they wish to participate in CTE, Dual Enrollment, and Early College.
CTE, Early College, & Dual Enrollment Information Sessions
CTE, Early College, & Dual Enrollment Information Sessions:
January 23, 6:00pm
- February 11, 6:00pm
Information sessions will be held for any interested student and their families to learn more about CTE, Dual Enrollment, and Early College. They will be held at the College and Career Readiness Center located at 201 E Washington Ave, Vernon, MI 48476.
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