Shiawassee County Birth to Three Resources header includes partner graphics and graphic images of families.

Birth to Three Programs

Great Start Hub

Expectant mothers and parents/guardians of a child (birth to five) can call the Great Start Hub at 989-725-2581 to make connections to programs and resources, such as home visiting programs, parenting classes, car seat safety checks, preschool, etc. The Great Start Hub, operated by the Shiawassee RESD, is open 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday - Friday. 

Great Start Logo

Early Head Start - Capital Area Community Services

Capital Area Community Services Early Head Start is a free, high-quality home-based program serving pregnant women and children up to the age of 3 years old. Families must meet income requirements. Educated staff provide 1.5 hour weekly home visits using a curriculum called “Parents as Teachers."

Head Start logo of two building blocks one red striped the other blue with a white arrow

Early On

Shiawassee County Early On® is Michigan’s system for helping infants and toddlers who have developmental delays or are at risk for delays due to certain health conditions. Early On provides support and home-based services to children birth to age three and their families. Don't worry but don't wait.

Early on logo

Infant Mental Health Program

Shiawassee Health and Wellness Infant Mental Health Program provides support to families with young children age birth to five to help prevent the development of mental health issues in infants and toddlers. Services include individual and family therapy, parenting strategies, strategies to handle common childhood problems, and access to a psychiatrist. 

Shiawassee Health & Wellness logo two green oak leaves

Maternal Infant Health Program

The Shiawassee County Health Department's Maternal Infant Health Program is here to help moms through their pregnancy and the infant's first year of life.  Registered Nurses and  Family Care Coordinators provide education on growth and development, feeding and nutrition, safety, things to expect during pregnancy, and what to anticipate with your infant. Services are offered in the home or in the community. 

Shiawassee County Health Department Logo

Play to Learn Playgroups

Great Start Shiawassee Playgroups are a place to learn and develop through play, build friendships, and exchange parenting information.

Shiawassee RESD and Great Start logos

Women, Infant and Children

The Shiawassee County Health Department's WIC program provides: nutrition education, Michigan WIC Bridge Card benefits to buy healthy foods, support and help with breastfeeding, and referrals to health care, immunizations, and other programs.

WIC Shiawassee County Health Department logo

Some programs listed, and their materials, are funded through a grant provided by the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential.




Join Us

  • 25 March
    • Literacy Night - Great Start Family Coalition Meeting
      Date: Tue Mar 25
      Time: 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
      Location: Early Childhood Learning Center, 114 W North St, Owosso, MI 48867, USA
      Calendar: Great Start Shiawassee
      Join us at our next meeting to enjoy dinner and conversation with other parents.  Meetings are held on the last Tuesdays of the month with dinner served at 5:30.  Tot watch is provided.

      Please RSVP at
  • 26 March
    • Life with Preschoolers - Perry
      Date: Wed Mar 26
      Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
      Location: Perry Elementary School, 401 N Watkins St, Perry, MI 48872, USA
      Calendar: Great Start Shiawassee

      A 4-Session Family Discussion Group

      Free for Great Start Readiness Program Preschool Families


      • Consistent routines
      • Positive discipline
      • Communication skills
      • Connected relationships
      • Handling stress and time challenges
      • ...much more!

      Register by calling 989-725-2581

      or visiting

      We are able to offer drop in supervised care for your children ages 2-12 in a classroom close to the class. Meals will also be provided to both children and adults.

  • 10 April
    • Make Parenting A Pleasure Parenting Class
      Date: Thu Apr 10
      Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
      Location: Shiawassee RESD, 1025 N Shiawassee St, Corunna, MI 48817, USA
      Calendar: Great Start Shiawassee

      Thursday April 10th thru May 8th5:30-8pm.

      Make Parenting a Pleasure (MPAP) is a training program that promotes family resilience by bringing parents together to share and normalize their parenting experiences, learn about typical early childhood development and parenting strategies, develop a support network, and learn about other community resources available to them.

      Topics Include:
      • Self care
      • Stress
      • Anger management
      • Communication skills
      • Positive discipline
      • Support emotional development
      • ...much more!

      Register at

  • 17 April
    • Make Parenting A Pleasure Parenting Class
      Date: Thu Apr 17
      Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
      Location: Shiawassee RESD, 1025 N Shiawassee St, Corunna, MI 48817, USA
      Calendar: Great Start Shiawassee

      Thursday April 10th thru May 8th5:30-8pm.

      Make Parenting a Pleasure (MPAP) is a training program that promotes family resilience by bringing parents together to share and normalize their parenting experiences, learn about typical early childhood development and parenting strategies, develop a support network, and learn about other community resources available to them.

      Topics Include:
      • Self care
      • Stress
      • Anger management
      • Communication skills
      • Positive discipline
      • Support emotional development
      • ...much more!

      Register at

  • 24 April
    • Make Parenting A Pleasure Parenting Class
      Date: Thu Apr 24
      Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
      Location: Shiawassee RESD, 1025 N Shiawassee St, Corunna, MI 48817, USA
      Calendar: Great Start Shiawassee

      Thursday April 10th thru May 8th5:30-8pm.

      Make Parenting a Pleasure (MPAP) is a training program that promotes family resilience by bringing parents together to share and normalize their parenting experiences, learn about typical early childhood development and parenting strategies, develop a support network, and learn about other community resources available to them.

      Topics Include:
      • Self care
      • Stress
      • Anger management
      • Communication skills
      • Positive discipline
      • Support emotional development
      • ...much more!

      Register at

  • 29 April
  • 1 May
    • Make Parenting A Pleasure Parenting Class
      Date: Thu May 1
      Time: 5:30 PM to 8:00 PM
      Location: Shiawassee RESD, 1025 N Shiawassee St, Corunna, MI 48817, USA
      Calendar: Great Start Shiawassee

      Thursday April 10th thru May 8th5:30-8pm.

      Make Parenting a Pleasure (MPAP) is a training program that promotes family resilience by bringing parents together to share and normalize their parenting experiences, learn about typical early childhood development and parenting strategies, develop a support network, and learn about other community resources available to them.

      Topics Include:
      • Self care
      • Stress
      • Anger management
      • Communication skills
      • Positive discipline
      • Support emotional development
      • ...much more!

      Register at

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